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Анна Діденко (1986)

Рубрики / Іншомовні вірші

Іншомовна поезія

  1. Will happen something
    A kitten plays sunbeams in a puddle.
    Weeping of baby is somewhere audible.
    Merry summer morning in full play,
    Life makes noise around today,
    And reflected chocolate sunburn.
    It is possible to make merry, goes mad and burn.
    A new day is begun by the splash of emotions.
    I am already ready to compliment with you the devotion.
    Today a hope and fate to you will come.
    Open, I knock. Let sorrows leave or gone.


    Народний рейтинг: -- | Рейтинг "Майстерень": --
    Самооцінка: 4

  2. Allow me
    Allow me to remain forever with you.
    Trust, I not loudly about it ask you.
    Allow me to raise our children. Trust me.
    Allow me to love this child, which lives under a heart.
    Allow me to be your little part.
    Thank you for your omnipotentness.
    And your wisdom, you are my God.
    It is not simple compliment.
    It was lucky me unspeakably.
    Nobody in this world will be able,
    To give so much light. As you.
    Allow me the soul to pay off, It your.
    And, can, and sounds sinfully.
    My love will unite with your.
    And the tramp of child's feet will be audible.
    It will be for us finally.


    Народний рейтинг: -- | Рейтинг "Майстерень": --
    Самооцінка: 4